Grupp av seniora vänner som spelar kort och har kul

CLA Sweden

”We want to create a more fun world for all seniors. Growing old should be something to look forward to!”

- Ekon Dr & founder CLA Sweden AB, Petter Ahlström

By the year 2023, the number of people over 80 years old is projected to increase significantly, with a particularly large increase in the major cities. And every other senior wants to move. The question is where and how? When there are no reasonable, functionally adapted alternatives on the market, more and more elderly people remain stuck in their homes. However, regardless of where you live, the first steps for good aging are education as well as organization of the needs of the elderly. With the right conditions, CLA has the potential to facilitate changes that empower a long and fulfilling life.
CLA Sweden offers a clear and well-developed concept where, together with retiree and interest organizations, we form a unique age and housing concept tailored to the needs of older adults. A place where the elderly can meet, participate in activities, eat well, and live healthy. A place that optimizes living standards and ultimately - the quality of life and age of the elderly. An opportunity for people to reach their full potential and enhance their quality of life.

See how it works

Leende äldre par som joggar i parken.
Glad äldre kvinna som målar i grupp med andra äldre kvinnor.
Två äldre män hjälper varandra med odling på sin lott.
En grupp vänner sitter runt ett bord utomhus och äter middag.